Exam preparation
Taalswitch offers exam preparation courses at different levels: A2, B1 and B2.
Level A2 is the level for the ‘inburgeringsexamen’. B1 and B2 are the state examinations NT2 (Dutch as a second language).
In this exam preparation course, we practice all the language skills, but during the lessons we focus on speaking and writing. We also work on your vocabulary in order to pass the exam.
We offer these lessons in group courses with two lessons of three hours every week. The costs for these group lessons are 350 euros per month. You can pay for the lessons using your DUO loan.
More information?
If you want to know if we have a suitable group for you at the moment, please contact us. You can also request a free consultation. This allows us to assess your level and give you proper advice.
Wil je weten of deze training bij je past?
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